
Awards we have given are:

Order of the Golden Ewe

1/84  Allen Robinson
1/84  Ed Lynch
1/84  Norm Montgomery
1/85  Ziggy Kramer
1/85  Paul Weintraub
1/85  Danny Garland
1/85  Micheal Ebner
1/86  Beau Ramsay
1/86  Stewart Howe
1/86  Lee Hoffman
1/86  Chris Pettus
1/87  Bill McConnell
1/87  Simon Spalding
1/87  Bob Woods
1/88  Vern Kriske
1/88  Curt Cotter
1/89  Danny Garland (Cluster)
1/89  Paul Weintraub (Cluster)
1/90  Clay Penn
1/91  *
2/92  Bill Jacobs
2/93  Terry Booth
2/02  Brian Howard
2/13  Tighe Sidnam 2013
2/13  Roger Boon 2013
2/17  Scott Cox 2017
2/17  Lamont McLaughlin
2/17  David Ostaszewski
2/17  Lonny Rawlings 


St. Maolrubha Truth and Purity

1/84  Molly Flanigan
1/84  Lindy Mullin
1/84 Paula Foster
1/85  Pat McKenna
1/85  Malett Patterson
1/85  Jean Gwinn
1/85  Kate Savacool
1/86  Christal Gillan
1/86  Maggie Goodrich
1/86  T.C. Cole
1/86  Dinah LeHoven
1/87  Cecilia Mohney
1/88  Pat Kriske
1/88  Luanne Cupp
1/89  Jessica Gillan
1/90  *(none)
1/91  *
2/92  Cathy Jacobs
2/93  Cheryl Raps
2/08  Anne Kellum
2/17  Joyce Cox 2017
2/17  Heather Ostaszewski 2017
2/17  Michelle Rawlings 2017
2/18  Regina Lawson

1/86 Lee Hoffman
1/87 Luanne Cupp
Pat Kriske
Vern Kriske
1/88 John Houghtelin
Suzan Houghtelin
1/90 Jacobs Family
2/92 Noah Mickens
2/08 Stevie Morley

Order of the Acorn
1/88  David MacNab
1/88  Katherine Kay
1/90  Alan Anderson
1/90  Terry Anderson
1/90  Terry Anderson  

1/88 Kelli Nance
1/89 John Peden
1/92 Ed Mauel
1/93 Michael Raps

Medbh Memorial Crafts Award

1991  Terry Booth 
1992 Michael & Cheryl Raps 
1993 Kathy Jacobs
2017 Michael Machado 
2017 Elizabeth Machado
2018 Sherrin Ancona 
2018 Michelle Rawlings 

Golden Nail- Candace Casas & Christina Cook
Mike Miller- received a tie pin and a hearty handshake for knowing nothing and doing everything 
Dan Thompson- received Raven wings and will staff the Orkney House 
Kaz Nyborg- received Quiet Man
Dougall Emmanuel- Boire candidate and Brevet Lance Pasado
Brian Howard- Gentile
Lonny Rawlings- Lieutenant


#Gaelic titleEnglishWhoType
>6     Any turkey or cuckoo  
6 God God God  
5   Pope Pope  
Ard-righ King (*James VI) Civil & Military
Ceann Cinnidh Chief Steven Gillan C & M
  Tanisté Tanist Jessica Gillan C
  Beantigherna   Christal Gillan C
2 Ceann Cath Commander (John Mullin, ret.) M
  Caputum  Captain William Voorhes M
      (Paul Mohney, ret.) M
      Norman Montgomery M
      Simon Spalding M
      William Jacobs
      (Charles Sheffey, rem.5/30/03) M

  Seannachie   (Liz Roderick, ret.) C
Lieutenant Lieutenant Curt Cotter (95,Sgt.92,Corp.88) M
Daoin Wasail Gentlefolk

Wm. Goodrich, Maggie Goodrich, Janet Cornwell (Ret.)

Father John Eddings (Ret.), Paul Weintraub (Ret.),

Pat Kriske (ret.), Vern Kriske (ret.), Regina Voorhes (Ret.)

Jean Gwinn (92), Curt Cotter, Dawn Cotter (93),

Bonnie Flanigan nee McNichol (93),

Ciceilia Mohney nee Baquerizo (93, ret.),

Shelley nee Montgomery Puente (93, ret.),

Michael Raps (96), Cheryl Raps (96)



These jobs carry a Gentle feather, which may be held by someone who is gentle in their own right. Other jobs which do not carry a gentle feather may be done by persons holding a gentle feather in their own right.
Gaelic Title English Who
Armourer - (Lt. Dale Roderick, LOA 4/88, Ret.)
Ghillie Cas Fluich - Paul Mohney
Ceann Tighe - Head of Household - Paul Mohney, Montgomery, Voorhes
'An Fear Sporran - Treasurer - Norm Montgomery
Meor Baile - Norm Montgomery
Marshall Tieg - Bill Voorhes
An Cupair - Cup Barer - Jeanne Gwinn Rose
An Ghillie Bratach – Bannerman -
Tutor of O'Mohoney - Curt Cotter
Chaplain - (Steven Salanger, quit)
(Chaplain of the house of Glennadoire and prebendery of the Parrish of
Gairloch and Co-Marbh of Saint Maolrubha)
Physican - (Jay Tibbles, quit)
Henchman to Tannist - John Hackworth
Am Forshar - Forester - Harry Sheppard

And here it is all ancient and needs LOTS of updating!!!

Tanist's School Master Beau Ramsay (Wears a quill)
Oiriseach (Historian), (Pat Kriske, 89 Ret. 90) (Wears a quill)


Rgmt. Sgt. Maj. (Clay Penn, 88-91 +)
Sergeant, Qtrm. (Ed Lynch, 85 Ret. 90)
Sergeant (Tom Porter, 85 Ret.)
Sergeant (Tom Drennan, 85 Ret.)
Sergeant Cary Martin, 84
Sergeant Monty Abbot, 88
Sergeant (Keith Cunningham, 92-93 Quit)

Sargent Kempson (95)
Sargent Roger Boon(96)
Sargent Lonnie Rawlings(96)
Sargent John Hackworth(94)
Sargent Terry Booth(94)
Sargent en Engineer Paul McCoy(96)
Brevit Sergent
Brevit Sergent Brian Howard (93, Quit)
Corporal (Danny Garland, 89 LOA 90)
Corporal (Brian Gwinn, 88 LOA 88?)
Lance Pesado, Eng. (Lee Hoffman, 88 LOA 88)
Lance Pesado Ian Abramovitch, 90
Lance Pesado Ted Hewitt, 90(Ret.)
Lance Pesado Bill Jacobs, 91
Lance Pesado, Tech. Dixon Rose, 92
Lance Pesado Lonny Rawlings, 95
Lance Pesado, Tech. Michael Raps, 95
Lance Pesado Paul McCoy, 96
Lance Pesado Ian Roberts, 96
Lance Pesado Bear [Darren] Hunt, 96
Brevit Lance Pesado
Brevet Lance Posado (Dean McCoy,93)

Name (20th century)
Name of persona
Offices, translation ...

Steve Gillan
Stiofan mac Yarl mhic Roich mhic Geordie A Giollain Maccaolinn
na Gleannadoire (of Glenderry)
Ceann Cinnidh na Clanna Maccaolinn (Chief of MacColin)
An Baran Gleannadoire & Clonmines (Baron of Glenderry and Clonmines)

Christal Gillan
Kristin nic Lars mhic Caerlmhic
Leddy Gleannadoire
Beantigherna na Maccaolinn (Chief's Wife, First Lady of Clan)

Jessica Gillan
Issica nic Stiophan
Leddy Maccaolinn of Gleannadoire and Ballikilleferet
Tannist (Heir Appearent)

William Voorhes
Uilliam mac Uilliam mhic Uilliam Ui Giollain
na Slaggen
an Marschaill Teig (Steward)
Caputum (Captain)
Ceann Tighe Ui'Giollain na Slaggen (Chieftain of ~)

Norman Montgomery
Odo mac Raibert mhic Montgomire Maccaiolin
na Tornaig (of Thurnaig)
an Sporran na Gleannadoire (Treasurer of Glenderry)
Meor Baile na Gleannadoire (Mayor of Glenderry)
Caputum (Captain)
Ceann Tighe Maccaolinn na Tournaig (Chieftain of ~)

Paul Mohney
Sean Pol O'Mahoney
an Ghillie Cas Fluich (Water crossing Ghillie)
Ceann Tighe O'Mahoney na Doire (Head of Household ~)

Curt Cotter
Cormach ui Mohoney an Clarsarch Maccaiolinn
Mohoney Beag
Dun Cormach

William Jacobs
Uilliam ... Maccaiolinn
Kinlochewe (the "Style": of __)
Caputum (Captain)
Ceann Tighe Maccaolin na Kinlochewe (of ~)